Free SA:MP Mini Live Map (Signature)

Generate your own free live map (siganture) with this little wizard!
The whole process takes just a few seconds!
The only requierment is that you have installed and setup the FS by Boylett, which you can find here.


500px x 500px:

200px x 200px (e.g. Signatures):

Server IP:
Server Port:
Icon Type:
Border Color:#
Url to the MapData File*:http://

* needs to be written without http:// !
For creating of the MapData file please use the FS by Boylett, which you can find here.

Preview (click "Get Codes" to view):

HTML Code (e.g. Websites):

BB Code (e.g. Forums):


Script (C) by Arne E.

Maps Displayed: